Research Articles
A review on history of organic farming in the current changing context in Nepal
Worldwide, with the increase in awareness of health and environmental concerns, demand for organic agricultural products is increasing, however, its adoption in Nepal at the field level is minimal (0.30% of the total agricultural land area). Exploring the history of organic agriculture could answer, “why its growth, despite…
Developing community-based farm and forest-based enterprises in Nepal
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi, Sudarshan C. Khanal and Puspa L. Ghimire Publisher: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations & International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Language: English Date of Publication: February 2018 ISBN: 978-92-5-130394-8 Number of Pages: 17 Price: Free Nepal is rich in…
Charcoal-briquette enterprises in Nepal: A green and fair value-chain development model
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi, Sudarshan C. Khanal and Puspa L. Ghimire Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Language: English Date of Publication: August 2015 ISBN: 978-1-78431-238-1 Number of Pages: 24 Price: Free This paper describes about how Himalayan Naturals Private Limited (HNPL) works with community forest…
Community-based handmade paper: A socially and environmentally responsible international business
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi, Sudarshan C. Khanal and Puspa L. Ghimire Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Language: English Date of Publication: August 2015 ISBN: 978-1-78431-238-1 Number of Pages: 24 Price: Free This paper discusses about how the community-based handmade paper marketed by Himalayan Bio Trade…
NTFP-based enterprises: Learning from Nepal for green and fair value-chain development
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi and Sudarshan C. Khanal Publisher: The Forest Research Institute (Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education) Language: English Date of Publication: July 2014 Number of Pages: 21 Price: Free This paper presents the status, growth and impact of NTFP-based enterprises since 1990, identities and…
Economic potential of forest resources of Nepal
Author: S.S. Pandey, B.P. Subedi, and H. Dhungana Publisher: Banko Janakari Language: English Date of Publication: November 2010 (Vol. 20, No. 2) ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 48-52 Price: Free Nepal's forest resources underpin the livelihoods of rural people in important ways. During the country's "planned development" over…
Linking plant-based enterprises and local communities to biodiversity conservation in Nepal himalaya
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi Publisher: Adroit Publishers, New Delhi Language: English Date of Publication: January 2006 Number of Pages: 244 Price: NRs. 880 People in the mountainous region of are struggling only to get food to hold on their lives and the nearby forest gives them hopes to…
The enterprise model for biodiversity conservation: A critique
Author: Jack Croucher Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: 2005 July 13 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 13 Price: Free Commercial use of nontimber forest products in a sustainable manner is becoming an increasingly popular mechanism for promoting the dual objectives of rural economic development coupled with environmental…
Conservation and use of medicinal and aromatic plants in Nepal: Status and prospects
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: 2004 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 8 Price: Free Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are an important part of the Nepalese economy, with exports to India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, as well as France, Germany, Switzerland, the…
Non-timber forest products sub-sector in Nepal: Opportunities and challenges for linking the business with biodiversity conservation
Author: Bhishma Subedi Publisher: The Nepal Journal of Forestry XII (2): 18-32 Language: English Date of Publication: 2003 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 13 Price: Free This paper explores and analyzes the opportunities and challenges for the efficient, sustainable and equitable commercial use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)…
Marketing of medicinal and aromatic plant products of Nepal in domestic and international markets
Author: Bhishma Subedi Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: August 2001 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 10 Price: Free In recent years the value of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (MAP) products is receiving increasing attention worldwide. MAPs are traded internationally mainly as dried herbs. Both wild and…
Linking conservation to business and local communities: An approach to sustainable management of in situ biodiversity in Nepal
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi and Surya Bandhu Binayee Publisher: Proceedings of the Third SEANN Workshop on Community-Based Non-timber Forest Products Management, April 7-8, 2000, Kathmandu, Nepal Language: English Date of Publication: April 2000 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 8 Price: Free An emerging alternative approach to biodiversity conservation…
NTFP sub-sector in Karnali, Nepal: Opportunities for leveraged intervention for the benefits of local communities
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi Publisher: National Workshop on the Management and Sustainable Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Kathmandu, ANSAB/CBED/CECI Language: English Date of Publication: July 16, 1999 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 7 Price: Free NTFPs are an important part of the Nepalese economy. These products were…
Community managed enterprise: Participation of rural people in medicinal and aromatic plants conservation and use
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi and Nirmal K. Bhattarai Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: February 20, 1998 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: 6 Price: Free Humla is one of the most remote and least developed districts of Nepal where the majority of the population are involved, directly or indirectly, in the collection, transport and…
Participatory utilization and conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants: A case from western Nepal Himalaya
Author: Bhishma Subedi Publisher: International Conference on Medicinal Plants Language: English Date of Publication: February 19, 1998 ISBN: N/A Number of Pages: Price: Free Medicinal and aromatic plants in the Mountains of Nepal can contribute to the local economy and subsistence health needs while conserving the ecosystem and biodiversity of an area. This paper…