Asia-Pacific FCPF capacity building project on REDD+
- Starting Date:
- August 1, 2021
- Ending Date:
- February 28, 2023
- Location:
- Fiji, Nepal and Vietnam
- Donor(s):
- The World Bank
- Implementation Partner(s):
- N/A
ANSAB, with financial support from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)/World Bank, is implementing Phase III of FCPF Capacity Building Program (CBP) of the Readiness Fund “Asia-Pacific FCPF capacity building project on REDD+”. The Project Development Objective (PDO) of this project is to strengthen the engagement of targeted forest-dependent beneficiaries in REDD+ processes and decision making at the country and regional levels.
This project will support REDD+ capacity building and awareness raising sub-projects for forest-dependent ethnic minorities, civil society, and their representative organizations and networks in 3 FCPF countries: Fiji, Nepal, and Vietnam. Sub-projects will implement as pilots key elements of REDD+, such as safeguards, grievance redress mechanisms, benefit sharing arrangements, monitoring, and carbon accounting. Reflecting feedback from the regional dialogue and emerging COVID-19 response needs, all sub-projects will:
- Discuss and agree with the beneficiary communities to ensure that they address communities’ specific needs, and mechanisms will be put in place to ensure the engagement of women and youth in the planning and execution of the sub-projects.
- Plan and carry out in collaboration with REDD+-related government agencies to ensure alignment with governments’ REDD+ and COVID response programs. All sub-projects will follow closely national and local guidelines for community outreach especially at it relates to COVID-19 guidelines.
- Provide spaces for women’s participation by partnering with women-led and women-focused IPOs/CSOs, facilitating women-only fora in appropriate settings which recognize women’s diversity and needs, incorporating information of particular relevance to women, such as women rights, laws and policies related to REDD+, and adjusting knowledge materials to existing literacy levels and spoken languages.
- Offer communities training for non-timber/alternative livelihoods.
The sub-projects are expected to support an increased participation of CSO representatives in formulation and implementation of the countries’ REDD+ strategies and actions, and in the implementation of the countries’ ERPs and benefit sharing programs.