Office launched to monitor REDD in Nepal
Source: The Himalayan Times, July 16, 2010. LALITPUR: The Project Management Unit (PMU), an office within the premises of the Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bio-resources (ANSAB), has been launched at a function in Kathmandu on “Friday. The PMU has been launched to coordinate and manage the…
ANSAB becomes 2nd in the Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP) Award
ANSAB’s “Biodiversity Conservation through a Community-Based Enterprise” approach was selected as the second best among the 180 proposals submitted from around the world at the Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP) Awards 2008 organized by the Global Development Network (GDN). The Award is granted to the institutions whose projects…
ANSAB selected as a finalist for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP) award from 180 submissions around the world
Kathmandu, Nepal – Asia Network for sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) has recently been selected as one of the three finalists for the Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP), award through a global competition organized by Global Development Network (GDN), for the year 2008. After rigorous proposal and onsite…
Award-winning Nepali handmade paper company’s responsible business model receive international recognition
KATHMANDU, NEPAL – Himalayan Bio Trade P. Ltd. (HBTL), was recently ranked by the Nepal Handmade Paper Association (HANDPASS) as one of the top ten exporters of Handmade Paper Products for 2007-08 in addition to its international recognition by US-based Aveda beauty care company to incorporate HBTL paper…
Enterprise Works/VITA lists Aveda’s collaboration with HBTL in success stories
EnterpriseWorks/Vita, Success Stories, December 2008 The efforts made by EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV) and its local partner in Nepal, ANSAB to facilitate a private-public partnership that could successfully market Nepal’s unique natural products is listed as the success stories in EWV’s website. The successful collaboration between Aveda and the Himalayan…
Stakeholders underscore NTFP development strategy
Nepal NTFP Network (NNN), a consortium of policy makers, NGOs/INGOs, federations, private companies and relevant stakeholders discussed the needs of the strategy for herbs and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) development in the changed socio-political context. The meeting also focused on strengthening forest users groups (FUGs) for non-timber forest…
Standard for FSC timber certification developed
Interim standard for Forest Stewardship Council timber certification has been developed in coordination with the forest based grassroots people, national level policy makers, representatives from governmental and non governmental organizations and international certification experts. Participated by over 50 representatives from social, economic and environmental backgrounds, the participants said…
Forest user groups moving for international markets that care for sustainability
Publication name: Newsletter of NMPB, MAPPA & MPCN Author: Dr. Bhishma P. Subedi Date: 2005 Short article about the Non Timber Forest Product Promotion Alliance and its efforts, including Forest Stewardship Council certification (FSC), to promote Nepal’s NTFPs abroad. Forest users group moving for international markets that care…
Forest user groups recognized for meeting highest international standards of sustainability
Rainforest Alliance/SmartWood is to award the first community based nontimber forest products (NTFP) Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in Asia. This certification, one of only five in the world is awarded to the Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN). FECOFUN’s members supply NTFP ingredients to the international…
Enterprises, economic incentives and biodiversity conservation: An emerging approach to natural resource management
Publication name: Himalayan Bioresources Author: Bhishma P. Subedi and Surya B. Binayee Date: May 2000 Short article about the emerging approach to biodiversity conservation that focuses on market-based incentives. Sustainable Management Initiatives [Download]