Book & Manuals
Annual report presents the annual summary of activities and financial situation of the ANSAB.
Baseline Forest Carbon Assessment in Eastern Nawalparasi, Nepal
ANSAB and Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung (MHS), with funding support from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and MHS are implementing the project ‘Nature Conservation and Agroforestry Production in Rural Communities’ in the four municipalities. This project contributes to biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, and enhances livelihoods and the development perspectives…
National Forest Stewardship Standard for Nepal (NFSS)
Language: English Effective from: March 30, 2020 Number of Pages: 131 Price: Free The National Forest Stewardship Standard (NFSS) for Nepal has been launched by the FSC. The Standard has been developed by a chamber-balanced Standards Development Group coordinated by ANSAB using multi-stakeholder process, including two public consultations.…
Workers occupational health and safety in producer enterprises
Author: ANSAB Publisher: ANSAB Language: Nepali Date of Publication: June 2020 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 8+4 Price: Free This manual sets forward instructions about the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) to the workers working in the producer enterprises. This manual promotes the safe work practices and ways…
Good collection practices of Jatamansi (Jatamansiko Ashal Sankalan Padhhati Sambandhi Pustika)
Author: ANSAB Publisher: ANSAB Language: Nepali Date of Publication: June 2020 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 12+4 Price: Free This manual consists of the detailed information on the basic requirement for the good collection practices, and sustainable harvesting and postharvest handling of the Jatamansi (Spikenard).
Toolkit on Sustainable Harvesting of Non-Timber Forest Products (Nepali version)
The "Toolkit on Sustainable Harvesting of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)" provides practical methods and tools needed for the sustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). The specific objectives of this toolkit are to: Provide strategy and curricula for training on sustainable harvesting of forest products, focusing on NTFPs;…
Toolkit on Sustainable Harvesting of Non-Timber Forest Products (English version)
The "Toolkit on Sustainable Harvesting of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)" provides practical methods and tools needed for the sustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). The specific objectives of this toolkit are to: Provide strategy and curricula for training on sustainable harvesting of forest products, focusing on NTFPs;…
Toolkit on Organic Farming Practices (Nepali version)
The "Toolkit on Organic Farming Practices" aims to contribute to transform subsistence farming communities towards enterprising organic producers by providing practical knowledge and skills on organic farming. This toolkit has been developed to provide guidance and technical content on designing curricula, developing training plans, and building the capacity…
Toolkit on Organic Farming Practices (English version)
The "Toolkit on Organic Farming Practices" aims to contribute to transform subsistence farming communities towards enterprising organic producers by providing practical knowledge and skills on organic farming. This toolkit has been developed to provide guidance and technical content on designing curricula, developing training plans, and building the capacity…
Jiri Municipality’s strategic plan for the conservation and sustainable use of farm and forest resources (Nepali version)
Author: Jiri Municipality with technical facilitation from ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: June 2021 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 48+10 Price: Free With ANSAB’s technical facilitation, Jiri Municipality has developed a strategic plan for the conservation and sustainable use of farm and forest resources. It is an…
Jiri Municipality’s strategic plan for the conservation and sustainable use of farm and forest resources (English version)
Author: Jiri Municipality with technical facilitation from ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: June 2021 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 48+10 Price: Free With ANSAB’s technical facilitation, Jiri Municipality has developed a strategic plan for the conservation and sustainable use of farm and forest resources. It is an…
Directory of essential oils stakeholders in Nepal
Author: ANSAB Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: March 2021 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 48+8 Price: Free This Directory of Essential Oils Stakeholders in Nepal presents the compilation of information of existing stakeholders involved in the essential oils sector of Nepal. It includes the detailed contact…
Social Responsibility and Fair Trade Guidelines for FairWild Certification
Author: ANSAB Publisher: ANSAB Language: Nepali Date of Publication: March 2021 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 46+6 Price: Free This book is the nepali version of "Compilation of Generic Guidelines: Fairtrade, Traceability and Social Responsibility" which includes the compilation of generic guidelines of 'Fairtrade for small scale producer…
Compilation of Generic Guidelines: Fairtrade, Traceability and Social Responsibility
Author: ANSAB Publisher: ANSAB Language: English Date of Publication: March 2021 ISBN: NA Number of Pages: 39+3 Price: Free This book is the compilation of generic guidelines of “Fairtrade for small scale producer organizations”, “Traceability for collectors, producers and traders”, and “Social responsibility”
FairWild Standard Version 2.0 (in Nepali language)
This is the English-Nepali translation of the FairWild Standard Version 2.0. The English-Nepali translation of this document was undertaken by ANSAB with the financial assistance of the Darwin Initiative through the UK Government. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of translation, in case of any errors…
FairWild Standard Version 2.0 Performance Indicators (in Nepali language)
This is the English-Nepali translation of the FairWild Standard Version 2.0. The English-Nepali translation of this document was undertaken by ANSAB with the financial assistance of the Darwin Initiative through the UK Government. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of translation, in case of any errors…