Book And Manuals
Potential of forestry sector in economic growth and development – Short concept notes on five themes
Author: Bhishma P. Subedi, Puspa L. Ghimire, Sudarshan C. Khanal, Sushil Gyawali, Prakash Katwal, Kabir R. Sthapit, and Kalyan Gauli
Publisher: Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP)
Language: English
Date of Publication: November 2014
Number of Pages: 35
Price: Free
This publication lists the five papers on different specific topics that were prepared as part of the national level study carried out by ANSAB and its consortium partners to identify the status and prospects for private sector’s involvement and investment in Nepal’s forestry sector for the Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP). The papers include: a) Improving Value Chain Governance for growth and equitable development from Forest Industry b) Scope for Private Forestry in Nepal c) Payment of Ecosystem Services in Nepal: Status, Prospects and Ways Forward d) Green and Fair Timber Value Chain Promotion in Nepal e) Most Promising Subsector Option for Forest-based Enterprises in Nepal.