Research Articles
Non-timber forest products sub-sector in Nepal: Opportunities and challenges for linking the business with biodiversity conservation
Author: Bhishma Subedi
Publisher: The Nepal Journal of Forestry XII (2): 18-32
Language: English
Date of Publication: 2003
Number of Pages: 13
Price: Free
This paper explores and analyzes the opportunities and challenges for the efficient, sustainable and equitable commercial use of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Nepal. The strategies for handling the challenges and enhancing the opportunities of this sector are suggested. Unlike any other business, NTFP enterprise development can be linked to biodiversity conservation by creating economic incentives for local people to conserve while safeguarding their traditional livelihood strategies as well as cultural values. But a number of challenges must be tackled for realizing this potential.
The information sources for this paper included Asia Network for Small Scale Bioresources (ANSAB) commissioned 18 small field research studies on various aspects of NTFPs in Nepal, official records of Department of Forests and ANSAB, and published literature on NTFPs of Nepal. The knowledge and experience gained while implementing several ANSAB NTFPs related projects in Nepal during the past four years are also reflected. This report is expected to be useful to planners and professionals involved in this sector.
For the purpose of this paper, NTFPs are defined to include all goods of biological origin other than timber, fuelwood and fodder from forest, grassland or any land under similar use. Examples of NTFPs include medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs); bamboo and rattan; nuts, fruits, tubers and berries; grasses and leaves; resins; insect and insect providers; and wild animals and birds. More specifically, this paper focuses on the plant products.