Report And Case Studies
Increasing performance of briquette sector in Nepal through the establishment of Briquette Producers’ Association
In Nepal, there are significant numbers of briquette enterprises in different parts of the country. The enterprises have taken considerable efforts to enhance production and marketing of briquettes for more than a half decade. However, these efforts are unsuccessful because they are taken at individual levels by the enterprises, which are themselves distributed in different parts of the country. The overall performance of the briquette sector can be increased in Nepal because briquette is being used by the general public as an alternative to electricity and imported fuel by the general public. ANSAB realized that the issues and challenges of sector can be addressed and the opportunity can be increased with an association of the briquette producers.
ANSAB established communication with eighteen major briquette producers in the country. It then organized a meeting with the producers on August 2011, including a Government Forest Officer and ANSAB’s legal advisor. The meeting of the producers decided to form and register Nepal Briquette Producer Association (NBPA) as an apex body for the promotion of the briquette sector in Nepal, and finalized the structure and constitution of the association. The association will be a membership based organization that will be governed by an executive committee elected democratically through general assembly. The constitution of the association vests the executive committee with the authority to make policy, manage the affairs of the association and to formulate and implement the policies. The assembly is the entity representing the individual members in the affairs of the association, and comprising of representatives from the member briquette producers. Major decisions are made through formal procedures based on majority vote or consensus. The executive committee also involves leading the association and its members to find their common values, interests, and goals.
Seven members are elected unanimously in the executive committee of NBPA with representatives of briquette producers from different parts of the country. NBPA is in the process of official registration with the Government of Nepal. The executive committee has developed a detailed work plan to address the issues, challenges and opportunities identified by the briquette producers. The members have seen NBPA as an opportunity to increase efficiency and become more responsive to member needs, and boost the ability to promote the briquette sector in Nepal.