
Presentation And Proceedings

Certification and sustainable marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs)

Date: January 9–10, 2004
Venue: Godavari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Organizer: ANSAB
Language: English
Number of Pages: 20 + 26
Price: Free

Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) organized a two day long Annual Review and Planning Meeting of Certification and Sustainable Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products – Private Public Alliance (PPA) on January 9-10, 2004 at Godavari, Kathmandu. Representatives from all alliance members identified so far were present in the meeting. They include U.S. product buyers and designers (Aveda and its extended industry contacts of the American Herbal Products Association); certification expertise (Rainforest Alliance); a diverse range of Nepali companies (Himalayan BioTrade Pvt. Ltd., Gorkha Ayurved Company (P) Ltd., and Alternative Herbal Industry); Nepali Networks and NGOs (Asia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB), Nepal NTFP Network (NNN), Himali Jadibuti Sarokar Samuha (HJSS), Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project (NSCFP), and Federation of Community Forest Users, Nepal (FECOFUN)); government (DPR, DoF); and donors (IDRC, Ford Foundation, SNV) that have been developing community forest user groups and NTFP industry coordination within Nepal.

The objective of the meeting was to review the alliance progress in year one, to finalize the year two work plan, and to share experiences of alliance members on forest certification initiatives in Nepal.