
Development of biomass energy strategy for Nepal

Starting Date:
April 1, 2013
Ending Date:
December 31, 2013
Implementation Partner(s):

The Biomass Energy Strategy (BEST) is being done as part of Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP) with financial support from Government of Federal republic of Germany through GIZ being executed by Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) together with implementation partner Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC). In partnership with IP-Consult – Germany, ANSAB contributed to the process from very beginning phase of designing the study methodology, study site selection and conducting the case studies for demand and supply situation of biomass energy in the pilot sites in different physiographic regions of Nepal. ANSAB also contributed to socio-economic situation analysis, collecting and analyzing the baseline data and projecting the scenario of the biomass energy sector in Nepal.

The specific objectives of the baseline study assignment were:

  • To provide a comprehensive overview on the baseline situation of the BE related sectors with respect to its diversity of supply sources and end users;
  • To analyze major trends over time from earlier studies and their implications in the BE sector of Nepal;
  • To analyze institutional responsibilities and challenges in the management of the BE sector;
  • To estimate the potential of savings and conservation of biomass resource through the adoption of more efficient technologies;
  • To identify possible strategic interventions to improve the productivity and labor efficient access to sustainable biomass energy sources and to improve the adoption and usage of efficient BE technologies
  • To provide information on cross cutting issues like governance, poverty reduction, gender and social inclusion, health and climate change and suggest intervention options accordingly.