Pro-Poor Economic Development
This program aims to create or strengthen environmentally sustainable markets that benefit the poorest of the poor while promoting social equity, justice, and good governance. It supports the entire value chain of targeted natural resource products through a comprehensive range of activities, including:
Entrepreneurship Development: organization of individuals and groups; facilitation to identify and develop appropriate leaders; training to develop entrepreneurial skills; establishment of partnerships with local leaders and organizations.
Enterprise Planning and Development: provision of technical expertise to help targeted groups identify enterprise opportunities, undertake feasibility studies and develop sustainable business plans; training on enterprise development, business planning, marketing and enterprise management; development of enterprise management systems for effectiveness and good governance; assessment of technological options; provision of technical advice on product development.
Business Development Services: facilitation of access to different Business Development Services (BDS), such as local experts, community resource centers, commercial banks, micro-finance institutions, etc.; provision of technical expertise to help BDS providers develop and market effective service packages.
Marketing Information Services: collection, analysis, and dissemination of marketing information on NTFPs and High-Value Crops (HVCs) to collectors, local traders, entrepreneurs and development facilitators through electronic, print and audiovisual media. These services were developed through multi-stakeholder interactions and include price lists, directories, manuals, market study reports, online databases, and market strategies. Their net result is to increase the bargaining power of local collectors, who can get higher prices for their products, thanks to better information. A substantial portion of the information collected and analyzed through these activities is available in the MIS section of this website.
Value Chain Promotion and Market Linkages: analysis of targeted natural products’ value chains in order to find new markets, promote fair benefit sharing mechanisms, improve governance structures, develop trust among stakeholders, promote product standardization and quality improvement, and generate value at the local and regional levels. These interventions help improve relationships between producers and traders and create sustainable linkages between producers and end markets.
Product Certification: promotion of internationally recognized accreditations (FSC, Organic, Fair Trade, Wildlife Friendly, FairWild) to strengthen enterprises’ commitment to environmental conservation and social equity while facilitating the marketing of local forest products worldwide.