Policy, Research and Networking
Through its Networking, Policy and Research program, ANSAB works with key stakeholders from grassroots leaders to national government officials to improve the development and implementation of policies related to community forestry and NTFPs. It also draws on the expertise of leading national and international private companies, public agencies, policy forums and networks as well as non-profits to holistically promote these sectors. More specifically, program activities include:
Networking: coordination of and participation in several important networks, such as the Nepal NTFP Network (NNN), the Private-Public Alliance (PPA), the Federation of Community Forest Users, Nepal (FECOFUN), the Nepal Herbs and Herbal Products Association (NEHHPA) and the Jadi Buti Association of Nepal (JABAN).
Policy: organization of policy dialogues between NGOs, INGOs, governments and the private sector; evidence-based advocacy to local Village Development Committees (VDCs), District Development Committees (DDCs) and District Forest Officers (DFOs) as well as national governments on an ongoing basis.
Research: undertaking of researches and studies on all scientific and managerial aspects relevant to ANSAB work, including biological monitoring, biodiversity, community forestry, ecosystem services, sustainable harvesting, gender analysis, value chains, REDD+ and forest carbon stocks methods.