Project inception workshop of “Nature conservation and agroforestry production in rural communities” project
ANSAB and Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung (MHS) Foundation, jointly organized an inception workshop of the project “Nature Conservation and Agroforestry Production in Rural Communities” on January 28, 2022, from 14:15 -16:00 pm Nepal time, 09:30 -11:15 am German time.
The purpose of the workshop was to share the project implementation plan alongside key outputs and outcomes, and exchange on potential synergies and pathways for collaboration with stakeholders from government agencies, private sector, development partners, civil society organizations and academia. Altogether 50 participants, including Secretary of the Nepalese Ministry of Forests and Environment, Secretary of the Nepalese Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Joint secretaries from various Nepalese government departments, representatives of the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, the German Embassy in Kathmandu, as well as representatives from various civil society organizations, bilateral and multilateral organizations, private sectors, and universities participated the workshop.
The participants of the workshop highlighted that the project is highly relevant and well-designed. It entails innovative approaches, proper schemes for biodiversity conservation and local economic development plans. The expected outcomes of the project are encouraging and can be very well adapted or applied to other parts of the country, prompting nature conservation and sustainable local development.
Previously, ANSAB organized four local level inception workshops (each in Kawasoti, Madhyabindu, Hupsekot and Binayi Tribeni municipalities) with the participation of the respective municipality chairperson, vice-chairperson, ward-chairs, chief administrative officer, division/sub-division forest officers, agriculture officers, farmers, NTFP-collectors, traders, agriculture cooperatives members, and representatives from FECOFUN, CFUGs, and farmers groups. The participants of the workshops were introduced to the project plan and activities. All participants, especially the local governments (municipalities) and the provincial level government line agencies such as Divisional/ Sub-divisional Forest Office and Agriculture Knowledge Centre, appreciated the project activities, particularly the innovative PPCA approach and the implementation of the new National Forest Stewardship Standards (NFSS), expressing their commitment for collaboration towards an effective implementation of the project. The representatives of CFUGs were excited and interested to be involved in sustainable forest management and enterprise development activities, and the farmers group representatives showed interest in organic agriculture, including cultivation of turmeric, ginger, mentha and chamomile in wildlife affected areas. The local level traders also appreciated the project for its activities to promote development of supply chain at the community level.