Growing energy crisis and biomass energy
An interaction program on “Growing Energy Crisis and Biomass Energy” was organised by ANSAB in collaboration with Hipat, an agriculture monthly magazine, on November 12, 2012 at Kathmandu involving the Secretary of Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology; Joint Secretary of National Planning Commission; Deputy Director of Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and major stakeholders from civil societies and briquette enterprises. The interaction program was conducted with the aim of creating a better policy environment for the briquette value chain through improved understanding by stakeholders. The interaction helped to put forward the issues of the community enterprises and marketing companies involved in production and marketing of biomass energy and helped bridge the gap between the policymakers and the entrepreneurs. The program was successful in getting commitment from the policy makers to ensure the government support for investing in R&D, technology, marketing and financial support for bio-briquette value chain.