ANSAB presents in High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP)’s regional value chain workshop
Value Chain Experts from ANSAB presented on the preliminary findings of the value chain and baseline studies of the select four products – Turmeric, Off-season Vegetables, Goat and Timur in a regional value chain consultation and intervention strategy development workshop conducted by the High Value Agriculture Project in Hills and Mountain Areas (HVAP) on February 15 and 16, 2012 in Nepalgunj. ANSAB is providing its technical services to HVAP for conducting value chain analysis and baseline assessment of the four products with special focus on nine districts of Mid-western and one district of Far-western Development Regions. The presentation was followed by plenary discussions and group works. Farmers, traders/processors and service providers of each value chain worked in separate groups on the constraints, market based solutions and intervention strategy for the select value chain. Representatives from the Regional Directorate of Agriculture, Livestock and Forest, Plant Quarantine Office, District Agriculture Development Office, District Forest Office, District Livestock Service Office, other line agencies, major actors of each value chain (input suppliers, farmers, processors and traders), Business Development Service providers and other regional service providers as well as HVAP staffs participated the workshop. The workshop proved to be fruitful for validating the information gathered by ANSAB’s team as well as provided participatory platform for designing intervention strategies for the project.