ANSAB delivers course to the Masters students of Future Generations Graduate School, USA
ANSAB provided theoretical and practical courses on community forestry and sustainable forest management in Nepal to the Masters level students of Future Generations Graduate School. The Masters level students focusing on Community-based learning were in Nepal residential last month. During their stay in Nepal, in the overall guidance of Executive Director Dr. Bhishma Subedi, Dr. Kalyan Gauli, Manager and Mr. Shambhu Charmakar, Program Officer – Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Climate Change (BESCC) program delivered three days (April 9-11, 2014) theoretical and practical course on community forestry formulation process, participatory forest inventory, well being ranking and sub-group formation, and sustainable forest management practices in Nepal. The course was designed based on ANSAB’s rural development toolkits series such as participatory biodiversity monitoring toolkit and participatory non-timber forest products (NTFPs) inventory; and community forest guideline by the Government of Nepal. While imparting theoretical classes, lecture method was used. Similarly field exercises on participatory resource mapping, participatory forest planning, forest boundary survey, GIS mapping, forest inventory, well being ranking and sub-group formation were done in one of the project sites of ANSAB in Nawalparasi district.
Since its establishment, the Future Generation Graduate School has been collaborating with ANSAB for providing theoretical and practical knowledge on community based forest and natural resource management to their master students. In 2011 Dr. Bhishma Subedi served as an adjunct professor to the Graduate School and co-taught course on Human Ecology, while ANSAB team supported the students for their field in ANSAB program areas.