Energy gardens for small-scale farmers in Nepal: Institutions, species and technology

Starting Date:
October 1, 2013
Ending Date:
May 31, 2015
ESRC-DFID Development Frontiers Research Fund
Implementation Partner(s):
University of Leeds, UK; Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal (ESON); Practical

Action, Nepal; Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), UK; Hassan Biofuels Park, India; and Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO), Nepal

The Nepal Energy Garden project addresses the programme aim of engagement of a range of disciplinary perspectives including new links across disciplines that do not usually work together and across non-traditional partnerships by integrating research on the institutional economics of energy and technology transfer with the knowledge of botanists and engineers.

The objective of the research is to provide a new approach to the practice of energy management in small-scale farms.